Many nights I pray to our Lord asking when He is finally going release the great plague that will destroy all liberals. While He often tells me to do certain tasks for Him, He never answers this question. I believe this is my test of faith.
I've got into some discussions with liberals lately that have left me very angry. I'm sure most of you will find these talking points familiar:
Has Osama bin Laden been captured?
Has New Orleans been rebuilt?
Has Iraq been stabilized?
Has Afghanistan been stabilized?
Has No-Child-Left-Behind been fully funded?
These are trick questions only a PR person in the Democratic Party could think of. Of course the answer to all these questions is no and somehow Democrats think this makes us Republicans look bad. WRONG!
Case in point: Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi made a campaign promise before the 2006 elections to eliminate gifts from lobbyists, enact a PAYGO policy, implement 9/11 Commission recommendations, increase minimum wage, issue grants for stem cell research, allow the federal government to negotiate pricing with drug companies for Medicare, cut interest rates on student loans, and end subsidies for oil companies. She promised to do all this in the
first 100 hours a Democratic controlled Congress took office. Of course, being a liberal, she broke that promise and did all those things in eighty six hours.
Not the 100 hours she promised.Many people want to focus on her breaking her campaign promise, but that's not what I'm getting at. She passed a plethora of legislation very quickly. Rushing through legislation like that always results in an inferior product.
That's the difference between Republicans and Democrats.
Republicans take the time to do things right!Another example: In 1993,
the World Trade Center was bombed. What did Bill Clinton do? He had some of the perpetrators convicted and sentenced by 1994! Ten people were convicted and sentenced all within a few years of the attack!
September 11th might not have occurred if Bill Clinton hadn't of done such a rush job of fighting terrorism!I mean I could go on and on about Clinton's hurried actions: balancing the budget, paying off our national debt, reforming welfare, Pell Grants, decreasing crime, decreasing unemployment, decreasing poverty… on and on. All this so unbelievably fast that it can't be anything less than shoddy work.
Not President Bush.
President Bush is going to take his time to make sure Osama bin Laden is captured right! To make sure of this He even pulled troops out of
Toro Bora when we could have easily of captured bin Laden. Quality is never easy and fast and President Bush knows this.
And you can bet President Bush isn't going to do a rush job in Iraq. It's going to take decades to do a quality job in that place. This president is going to make sure we do it.
But, our president's commitment to quality doesn't end with his own policies. To make sure that we have a quality justice system he sometimes pardons people that have been sentenced too quickly. This man cares about quality.
So, the next time someone asks you whether President Bush has done anything useful in office, you proudly answer:
No! Quality is job #1!