Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The Liberal Media Hates our Troops!

Reader, I am just sickened by the disdain our liberal media has shown our veterans today. Like most of you, I've been celebrating this great holiday with family and friends in front of the TV enjoying a few beers. I didn't really notice the insidious undertone of media coverage for a few hours, but it finally dawned on me what the media was doing.

All throughout the day, the media proclaimed: "July 4th celebrations", "July 4th fireworks", etc. But, not once did I hear today referred to as Veterans Day!

What's the problem you say?

The problem is our media is trying to secularize this holiday and make you forget that its purpose is to celebrate the sacrifice of our brave men fighting for your freedom! The media wants you to forget about our troops currently fighting the war on terror in Iraq and instead worship this day like some pagan holiday.

While I've never served in the armed forces, I can speak for every brave service member when I say that we demand and deserve respect for our service! This country would be nowhere if we hadn't of fought for your freedom. So, please put partisan politics aside and bring honor and dignity back to this day by contacting your local affiliates and demand that they stop referring to this great day simply as "July 4th"!


At 7/04/2007 11:16 PM, Blogger Prickly Tulips said...

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At 7/04/2007 11:47 PM, Blogger Prickly Tulips said...

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At 7/04/2007 11:51 PM, Blogger Prickly Tulips said...

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At 7/05/2007 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ain't I crazy?

*giggle giggle* *FART!*

Pork fried Rice thinks I'm beautiful and integgilent. What a fuckin' morAn!

You're much cuter than a Pig.

At 7/05/2007 7:17 PM, Blogger T L M said...

The title of this post is proof that you like me.


You little dickens.

At 7/05/2007 8:57 PM, Blogger Kirk said...

Melissa: If God wanted to hear women's opinions He wouldn't have created man.

TLM: I wish you would quit pleasing yourself with my photograph.

At 7/06/2007 7:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God made Eve from Adam's rib. He barbecued the ribs of Pigs!

At 7/06/2007 7:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And no that was not a terrorist threat. I know how you and your neo con friends like to be alarmists.

At 7/06/2007 8:13 AM, Blogger Lawyerchic said...

I ummm thought we had a veterans day, called ummm "Veterans Day"

Your profile pic scares me...

At 7/06/2007 11:37 AM, Blogger Kirk said...

Melissa: Your veiled threats don't frighten me. When I was a child, I was deathly afraid of dogs. To rid me of my cowardice, my father would drive me down to the U-Store-It lot after hours, hand me a broom stick, and force me over the fence. The Doberman Pinscher that guarded that lot would corner me behind the trash bin where I would try to fend him off with the stick. I got bit a few times before I learned to stop crying and fend for myself. I'm no longer afraid of dogs. In fact, I've owned several dogs in my adult life and every one of them has learned to be obedient. So, some feminist typing away at a keyboard in the basement of dad's house just doesn't move me. Thank God I was raised to be a real American.

At 7/06/2007 11:40 AM, Blogger Kirk said...

Priscilla: Yes, I think I covered that pretty well in my post. Did you even bother to read it before spewing forth your vitriol?

At 7/06/2007 1:26 PM, Blogger Kirk said...

Priscilla: I apologize for lashing out at you. It appears I misinterpreted your comment. I was so upset by Melissa's bullying that I couldn't think straight and ended up taking it out on you and my dog. It took me about three beers to calm down and stop shaking. I thank you for your support and am glad someone here sees the importance of calling Veterans Day "Veterans Day". While I appreciate your compliment, I have to let you know that I am married and it would be sinful for me to respond in kind to your flirtation.

At 7/06/2007 3:12 PM, Blogger T L M said...

I cannot stop pleasuring myself with photographs of you. It's all I have, but I will stop doing it in public.

Someday I'll photoshop that hat onto the picture of you eating Italian food. Then I'll "flick the bean" and feel the glory myself!!!

At 7/06/2007 6:53 PM, Blogger T L M said...

That's OK, Kirk. You can ignore this little monkey, but I'll always have my dreams. You're a good person.


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