Liberals jeopardize the lives of American contractors.
Apparently, the liberal commanders in Iraq won't authorize our private contractors to use force against the terrorists. This war would already be won if we had finished the move to a 100% privately run military.
A big government military is simply not able to make the decisions necessary to win wars in a post 9/11 world. The commentator in this video is spot on. If the use of deadly force was authorized against these adolescent terrorists the Iraqis would appreciate the awesome power of American supremacy and terrorism would be a thing of the past.
Unfortunately you go to war with the military you have, not the military you would want or wish to have. In this case we are stuck with a bleeding heart socialist military afraid to shoot at children.
We Americans try to bestow the blessings of liberty on another country's widows and orphans, and this is how they pay us back. Shameful.
I hear President Bush is looking for an alternative strategy to win the Iraq war. Here is my suggestion:
1. Bring our troops home.
2. Nuke the entire Middle-East.
3. Send our population of 12 million illegal Mexicans over to salvage the oil. Hey, they came to our country looking for work, didn't they?
By these three simple steps, we would solve so many of our problems: Iraq, Iran, terrorism, immigration, gas prices, etc. I just don't see a downside to this plan.
I just checked out your myspace page. I noticed in your profile that your wife left you for a New York lawyer. I'm wondering: did your wife leave you for a male New York lawyer or for a female New York lawyer? You weren't specific.
Liberals want to spend the cost of a bullet on a syringe for their heroine addicted hippie friends.
Running kids over costs nothing.
It's been over a month since a new post from you. I hope this extended absence is because you're just taking a break, and not because the liberal fascists have renditioned you to a secret dungeon in San Fransisco or anything like that.
Mel: You are a very loyal – if not the only – reader of this great blog. God has told me that He will call me home if I am not able to raise 1.5 million dollars (USD) by March 1st. Although I'm anxious to see the mighty riches of Heaven, it seems that the Lord might be a little disappointed if I don't deliver. I'm not entirely sure what He meant by "shove thy camel through thy needle or verily I say unto you thou have thy reward." The tone He used made me shudder.
God talks to me too. In fact, He sometimes explains to me some of the more mysterious passages in the Holy Scriptures. For example, in Matthew chapter 21, Jesus says, "Verily I say unto you, that the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you." (verse 31)
God proceeded to explain that this verse shows that the Muslim infidels have it all wrong. When the righteous arrive in heaven, they won't be greeted by virgins, they will be greeted by harlots. And each person will not have his own harem of harlots; they will be "community property", so to speak. Furthermore, God explained, this verse also proves that being a harlot is the only way for a woman to enter the kingdom of heaven. Come to think of it, that's good news for our friend Moxie.
God also explained to me why the publicans go to heaven, but I was thinking about all those harlots and what He said didn't register...
So Kirk, even if you can't raise the 1.5 million dollars that God is extorting, I mean asking from you, don't lose heart. Whores in heaven doesn't sound too bad to me.
p.s. God also told me that he doesn't talk to Pat Robertson. Make of that what you will.
God spoke to me again. Now I know why Jesus said that publicans go to heaven. The word "publican" in modern Bibles is a mistake, due to a mistranslation from the original Greek. Wherever the word "publican" appears in the Bible, the word should actually be republican. In other words, heaven is filled with nothing but republicans and harlots.
No wonder Mark Twain said, "Heaven for climate, hell for society."
You cannot let the evil Liberals win! You must continue to blog. God is on our side, Kirk. Let us fight the evil ones together, or seperately. Either way we must push forward and stomp on those who oppose us.
You are my beacon ,Kirk. Don't turn the lights out. Shine your beautiful words of wisdom for the world to see on the Google blogspots.
This is the best blog ever!
Hey yawl, did you raise the money you were supposed to for the Good Lord, Kirk? Just wondering. I'm a little short of caish and I'm lookin to borry a couple of dollars if'n you can spare it.
Ah little Kirk, you're as insane as ever.
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