I had to go to the doctor recently to get some penicillin shots and, while I was in the waiting room, I started to read the November copy of Smithsonian magazine that was laid out on the table.
This piece of garbage had an article entitled, "The Smart and Swinging Bonobo." Bonobo is apparently what the elitists call monkeys.
I'm just going to let the article speak for itself:
While chimpanzees and gorillas often settle disputes by fierce, sometimes deadly fighting, bonobos commonly make peace by engaging in feverish orgies in which males have intercourse with females and other males, and females with other females.
Two females stop eating for a few moments to rub their swollen genitals together.
A female swings to the next tree and rubs genitals with another female for about a minute, squeaking, while a male and a female, balanced on a bough, mate face to face, her legs wrapped around his waist.
Near Wamba, Ihomi says, he and his colleagues tracked three bonobo groups, two of which engaged in rambunctious sex when they ran into each other.
There we have it. What many of us have known all along. Science is pushing the sodomites' agenda while denying God's existence by rejecting creationism. Clearly, the homosexual deviants won't be happy until they force their lifestyle choice on every person and animal on this planet.
This is why it is so important that the liberals never get control of our government. They will legislate forced homosexuality and bestiality on all of us.
Needless to say, I did not stick around to see this activist doctor. I'm man enough to put up with the burning until I find a good Christian healer.
While chimpanzees and gorillas often settle disputes by fierce, sometimes deadly fighting, bonobos commonly make peace by engaging in feverish orgies in which males have intercourse with females and other males, and females with other females . . .
Kirk, this article gives me a great idea. Instead of trying to win the Iraq war militarily, why not send about twenty five million highly sexed volunteers over and have a nationwide orgy? I'll go! I love brunettes!!!
The bonobo monkeys are right! Make love not war!
And when I said I love brunettes, I mean women, Kirk. I'll leave the lying down with mankind as with womankind to others, thank you.
Feel the burn of your convictions, Kirk!
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